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Shrimp Pinwheel Casserole

Friday January 27th, 2023

1/3 cups chopped green pepper

¼ cups chopped onion

¼ cups butter

2 tbsp. flour

½ tsp. salt

1 can (2c.) tomatoes

1 ½ cups shredded cheese

1 ½ cups cooked large (jumbo) shrimp

¾ cups (drained) frozen peas


Cook pepper and onion in butter until tender, but not brown. Blend in flour and salt. Add tomatoes and cook, stirring constantly, until thick. Add cheese and stir until melted. Add shrimp and peas. Put into oven at 375 degrees F. for 15 mins.

Submitted by Marilyn Lindhard to the “GIDDAY AGAIN!” From the Valley Kitchens/Huntley Curling Club, Carp, Ontario Cookbook.

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